Almost 4 years ago, I started the journey of contemplating my little girl for hours. Hours that became weeks. And weeks that turned into months.
I wanted to soak up every detail, terrified of missing the tiniest change. I was in awe, drunk of love. But my extreme desire of just watching her didn’t just come out of love but also from my previous experience: having an older daughter taught me that time is not there for us to own, but to spend it.
Little we understand how fast it feels the passing of time. We see it on our clocks and calendars but we feel it differently.
We hold our babies, we nestle them in our chest, and one blink later, they want to learn how to ride a bike.
Babies double their size during their first 6 months of life. Such a big change happens so fast that it’s hard to keep in our brain every little detail. Some of those last only days.
Yet we love to see them grow and at the same time, it worries us. We wonder if we’re doing enough to raise independent human beings and at the same time, we wonder if we’re enjoying them enough. Because there’s an emotional side of this mystery called time that we aren’t capable of grasp completely.
Every family I photograph is moved by love and bonding. In-home sessions are meant to catch those details they’re afraid of missing or forgetting.
They’re for the sentimental people who want to own the time spent with their families.
The ones who look at their own childhood photos nostalgically and get lost remembering the lived moments.
In-home sessions are for the people who desire to cry out of emotion while contemplating at their pictures, but also, for the ones who enjoy a good laugh while glazing at the fun moments they shared as a family.
From every session I make in my client’s home, I deliver imperfect, natural, and messy photos. But I also create joyful photos.
Soulful images that preserve the beauty of their bonding.
I bring my camera and take photos of what they really are. I know how to use my gear and I know what to look at.
But I don’t do the magic. They do.
If all that sounds like you, let me tell you that one of the brilliant things of an in-home story is that there’s no such thing as a “right moment” to get them.
You don’t need a milestone, you just need to feel the craving of having your family documented. To feel pride when thinking of your children. To fall in love daydreaming about your baby to come.
To love the idea of teaching your children they are enough just as they are, to put a huge smile on your face while glazing at them, even though sometimes they drive you (a little bit?) crazy with their behavior.
The only rush is simply the urge of capturing the details that will become skewed, so you can enjoy them again once your memory gets blurry.
If an in-home session is for you… let me tell you: YOU DESERVE IT.
You deserve your children to see how proud you are of them. To know how beautiful you are while being present for your kids.
You have earned the right of having your kids nostalgically contemplating at their childhood photos, getting lost remembering the lived moments with you.
Let’s connect!! I’m happy to answer all the questions you may have about my work
Or we can start planning your beautiful session right away.
Fill the form and say hello, I would love to hear from you!